Birgitta Corsello County Administrator, Solano County
Birgitta E. Corsello is the County Administration (CAO) for the County of Solano. She was appointed by the five members of the Solano County Board of Supervisors in May 2011. As the County’s highest executive, she oversees a County budget of $1 billion dollars (FY2017/18) and eighteen departments with a current labor force of more than 3000 employees. Ms. Corsello implements policies and priorities set by the Board of Supervisors and oversees a wide range of operations.
Prior to being appointed as the County Administrator Ms. Corsello was the Assistant County Administrator. Ms. Corsello has been a member of the County’s Management team serving in a number of capacities.
She began her career with the County of Solano in 1989, when she moved to the area from the Kern County Administrator’s Office to accept a position as an Analyst in the County Administrator’s Office and subsequently became the County of Solano’s Budget Officer. In her tenure with Solano County, she has been asked to serve in a variety of management positions within the County including the Director of the County’s Office of Emergency Services, working on planning and responses to several emergencies including floods and fires. She served for several years as the Director for the County Department of General Services where she worked on communication, fleet management, building and facility maintenance and regional parks. In 1995, she was appointed by the Board of Supervisors to lead the Department of Resource Management which she did for sixteen years. She oversaw County planning, public works, engineering and road operations, building services, environmental health and hazardous material permitting.
Ms. Corsello’s leadership of teams and their accomplishments include the successful transition as the LAFCo Officer to an independent office in 2000, the transfer of the Office of Emergency Services to the Sheriff’s Office and the funding of a dedicated Emergency Operations Center (EOC), the completion and adoption of the 2008 Solano County General Plan update and EIR certification, the funding and construction of a new independent water system serving 300 customers with